Middletown, Ohio Plumbing Inspections

Plumbing Inspection Experts in Middletown, Ohio

Plumbing professionals agree, whether you own a residential or commercial property, you should have your plumbing inspected every one to two years. We at Middletown Plumbing & Drain, encourage you not to let your plumbing problems get worse before taking action. We encourage people to be proactive with their plumbing system and plumbing-related equipment and have a regular plumbing inspection performed without exception. We offer fast and affordable plumbing inspection services throughout Middletown and Greater Cincinnati. We have a team of licensed plumbing inspectors who can help you save time and money by avoiding plumbing problems and financial drains. Our local plumbing inspectors help you prevent minor plumbing concerns from unraveling into full-blown plumbing nightmares in one simple and affordable visit to your home. To ensure the best performance of your plumbing equipment, plumbing system and appliances, our plumbing inspection experts at Middletown Plumbing & Drain perform a full comprehensive check and detailed inspection of your plumbing and all your plumbing equipment and water-related appliances during our standard professional plumbing inspection. We are thorough during the process and inspect every single area to find anything that needs serviced or repaired so that these potential problems don’t cause any sort of damage or disruption in your home down the road.

Middletown Plumbing & Drain Services
Middletown Plumbing & Drain company

Middletown, Ohio Top Plumbing Inspectors

Our state-licensed plumbing technicians here at Middletown Plumbing & Drain check everything from sinks and toilets to drains, showers, bathtubs, water heaters, pipes, water softeners, sinks, sump pumps, sewer lines and other related equipment. If you have any questions about this service or about the work performed, call our plumbing inspectors at Middletown Plumbing & Drain. They can tell you about the many benefits of a routine plumbing inspection before purchasing a new home or a new commercial property and how this could save you time and money. For professional plumbing inspection services in Middletown, Greater Cincinnati, Greater Dayton or surrounding areas, call Middletown Plumbing & Drain today!

With all the benefits of a regular plumbing inspection, we encourage you to take advantage of this service at least once every two years. This is how often the experts suggest having it done. It’s no different than your HVAC and electrical systems. Plumbing maintenance pays off big time in the long run. Being proactive saves you time, money and headaches. Plumbing inspections are an affordable way to keep your plumbing and plumbing-related appliances in tip top shape! 

Plumbing Inspection Services in Middletown, OH

With no two plumbing systems being exactly the same, there’s really no such thing as a standard plumbing inspection. Our inspectors are thorough and never overlook anything that could cause issues later on down the road. At Middletown Plumbing & Drain, our specialists inspect every area thoroughly. We don’t leave any stones unturned. Our plumbing inspections include every component of the plumbing system, whether its residential or commercial. We inspect all your drains, pipes, valves, water heaters, water softeners and water treatment systems. We look for any corrosion, leaking, clogging, or drainage issues. The following are some of the essential areas of a professional plumbing inspection: 

Turning the Main Water Supply Off

Our plumbing experts inspect your water supply’s main shut-off valve and we inspect for any sort of damage or defect. We also try to see if the water meter is reading continuously, even if the valve is shut off. This will help you determine if water is leaking or if there are issues developing. 

All Fixtures, Drains and Supply Lines

We inspect plumbing fixtures to ensure they have separate valves controlling the water supply. We inspect for water damage on the internal and external parts of the property in addition to downspout drainage, flex hoses, and drains. We look to find blockages or locate anything else that could impact the plumbing systems. 

Drain Lines and Sewer Lines

Our experts inspect all your drain lines and sewer lines from the inside all the way out to the sewer main. We inspect all the connections. We check septic tanks, drainage systems and elsewhere to see if there’s any pipe damage, pipe corrosion or clogs. 

Exposed Pipes and the Overall System

If pipes are exposed to freezing cold temperatures, they can become damaged and even ruined. During the wintertime when it’s especially cold, our pipes are far more susceptible to freezing, which damages them. If they aren’t properly protected, heated or insulated, they are at risk so we check for pipes that might be exposed. 

Ensure the Plumbing System Is Watertight

To ensure you plumbing system is sealed air tight, we fill your drainage system with water all the way up to the middle of the trip waste overflow line in the bathtub. If your plumbing system isn’t sealed, we will find any leaks. 

We Perform a Water Piping Pressure Test

We turn your water main on and adjust the pressure from 75 psi all the way up to 100 psi to find out if the working pressure is able to pass through the water pipelines without any issues. Checking the water supply also helps us find out if it runs smoothly while there’s minimum water pressure required. 

Why Are Plumbing Inspections So Important?

Find Potential Problems: Certain types of plumbing problems, such as water leaking, can damage your home. However, sometimes plumbing problems aren’t noticed. A homeowner might have a problem and not even realize it’s an issue. Everything might appear to be working like it should when it’s not. Because plumbing problems often snowball into full blown plumbing emergencies that are expensive, having an inspection performed is essential. 

Prevent Drain Blockages: Drain blockages don’t always occur out of the blue. Most blockages take place over time. They usually happen when there’s an accumulation of gunk building up over time. You’d be surprised at the types of stuff residents put in their drains and flush down their toilet. It can get very nasty. Most people don’t realize there’s a blockage developing until their drains slow down and they’re unable to use sinks or showers without it backing up. Drain blockages can also cause foul odors. If you’re having issues with your drain, Middletown Plumbing & Drain can help you restore your drains and your plumbing system to its normal condition. 


Plumbing problems in middletown, ohio
Middletown, Ohio local plumbing

Get A Plumbing Inspection Today in middletown, ohio

A professional plumbing inspection performed by an expert like Middletown Plumbing & Drain is essential. It should be performed regularly by a licensed plumber to let you know if there are any issues or signs you may have to prevent further damage and potential failure. We inspect exposed water lines and related pipe connections to identify water leaks and find wear and tear and corrosion. Water heaters and washing machines are inspected throughout the process. We inspect their connections in addition to checking every hose, pipe, spigot, faucet, and valve — both inside and out. If our plumbing technician encounters anything unusual or anything that might require professional care, we will let you know and give you a cost evaluation for any repair work we recommend. To prevent wear and tear and keep up with routine maintenance, homeowners should take the inspection of their plumbing seriously. We at Middletown Plumbing & Drain are the area’s top-rated plumbing inspection experts. We offer affordable plumbing maintenance and affordable plumbing repairs. We proudly serve all of Middletown, Greater Dayton, Greater Cincinnati and surrounding areas. In the following, our plumbing inspectors explain the benefits of plumbing inspections: 

Better Buying Decisions: If you don’t have a residential plumbing inspected performed by a licensed plumber before purchasing a home, you could end up buying someone else’s problems. Having a full inspection performed before purchasing a new home or building pays for itself! We find drainage problems, pipework problems, septic system issues, water heater issues or other plumbing-related problems prior to the final purchase of the place. By having this essential money-saving service performed, you can make a much more informed buying decision. 

They’re Essential for Maintenance: Like any other system in a home, plumbing equipment and water related appliances need regular maintenance services performed by a plumbing professional like Middletown Plumbing & Drain.  

Choose Us For Plumbing Inspections in Cincinnati & Dayton, Ohio

Our plumbing inspectors at Middletown Plumbing & Drain can give you a complete inspection that covers all the necessary areas. We inspect everything for any underlying issues and perform a comprehensive inspection of all your exposed plumbing as well as the plumbing equipment you can’t see. We inspect all valves, drains, pipes, pumps, washing machines, water heaters, plumbing appliances, faucets, sinks, fixtures, kitchens, bathrooms and much more. Additionally, we also inspect water softeners, sump pumps, toilets, sinks, bathtubs and any other components that might be connected to your plumbing. We can also use our plumbing camera or drain camera technology (which is worth it alone) to inspect sanitary drains and sewer pipes. 

Middletown Plumbing & Drain is a local, family-owned and operated plumbing contractor that serves all of Greater Cincinnati, Greater Dayton and surrounding areas. We perform emergency plumbing repairs, plumbing winterization, plumbing installations, plumbing maintenance, water heater services, piping, pipework, drainage work, plumbing inspections, plumbing camera services, and 24-hour emergency plumbing repairs, and more. 


FAQ: Plumbing Inspections

Why should I have a plumbing inspection performed?

Plumbing inspections save you time and money. Experts say plumbing inspections should be performed one time each year to find minor problems and prevent them from becoming expensive plumbing headaches. Plumbing inspections and plumbing maintenance shouldn’t be skipped out on in an attempt to save money. Skipping this service won’t save money. The types of problems we prevent can cause water damage and other issues. We also prevent things that can cause your water bill and water heating bill to increase. Because of this and other inefficiencies and potential problems, this service essentially pays for itself. This is especially true if you’re looking to buy a new home. 

How do I determine if there's a leak in my sewer line?

Because sewer line leaks don’t increase monthly water usage and water bills, they are harder to detect. Sewer leaks can cause bad odors, and attract rodents and pests to the home. They can also cause issues with your yard and your landscaping. Intact main sewer lines should always be airtight. Because of this, there shouldn’t be any odors coming out of pipes. If you start smelling something foul in your yard, it could indicate there might be a leak in the sewer line. 

How do you diagnose a water leak?

Our experts identify water leaks by checking your water meter’s leak indicator. If your leak indicator is moving, there is a leak. Depending on the brand of your water meter you have, your leak indicator is small and triangular shaped, like a dial. It could also be a small silver wheel rotating when the water is flowing through the meter. If the dial is moving, there’s a good chance that you have a water leak. Otherwise, for the most accurate leak detection services, our plumbing experts will use a miniaturized camera mounted on long fiber optic cable that goes down the drain. This camera then relays footage back to a monitor so we’re able to take a closer look at the condition of the pipes.