You finally buy your new home, and one of the first things you may think about is what kind of filtration you need for your home. Of course, you want great, quality, and great-tasting water, but you don’t know where to begin. Or perhaps you have more questions than answers about water quality issues and how they could impact on your home. Some thoughts that run through your mind may be, what exactly is hard water? What do water softeners do? Or maybe how can I decide which one I need? Middletown Plumbing & Drain is here FOR YOU. We know this particular subject can be daunting, and we are here to answer your questions and ease your mind.  

Is Hard Water formed in a specific way? 

If you’ve ever emptied your dishwasher, you probably noticed that you still have those pestering water spots on your dishes again! Maybe even soap scum in your tub and shower doors, or maybe your hair seems dry no matter what treatments you use. More often than not, hard water is the reason for all of these problems. Keep in mind that the soap you use in your laundry and clean your dirty dishes responds to the high level of calcium and magnesium in your water. Because your home may have hard water, you need more detergent to get things thoroughly cleaned. It can be pretty annoying with whatever you’re trying to get clean, and because you are cleaning it repeatedly, it can cause significant wear and tears.  

What Are Water Softeners Used For?  

Water softeners remove minerals that cause hard water. They use a different treatment approach than filtration systems, so they don’t work like water filters. Water filters focus on and perform several tasks, which we will discuss later. However, because it stops calcium and magnesium, softeners can improve your water status and help you save on cleaning supplies, and lower your water bill. Score! But we’re not done; you will also see cleaner dishes, sinks, and a difference in your skin and hair. Great News, right?  

How Can A Filter Purify Water?  

Water filters are walls that control waste and bacteria from washing through and into your home. The filtration process can be separated into two types: physical and chemical.   

  1. Physical filtration concentrates on removing significant impurities from the water that runs through your home. Through this filter, debris is caught, and clean water can run through your home and provide clean drinking and usable water. 
  1. The second process is chemical filtration. This creates a chemical reaction as water passes through an activated carbon- for instance, charcoal. Chemical filtration helps drain smaller particles like debris that can pass through the filter during physical filtration. With that being said, both filtrations work together to filter your water and make it safe for your family.    

Which Water Filter Is Right for Me?  

 Whether water softening or filtration is best for your home depends on what’s in your water and the problems you want to resolve; you may even want to resolve both. For instance, a water softener can relieve your frustrations when dealing with spots on your dishes or dry, irritated skin in your household. But a filter may be your most suitable option if your water tastes or smells strange or if you are concerned about the chemicals in your drinking water.   

How can I get help if I need it?     

Look no further! You came to the right place, and Middletown Plumbing & Drain & is here to assist you and your family on which filter works best for your home. Call (937) 298-9979 for additional questions or schedule an online appointment by clicking here!