Bathroom Hygiene, Bacteria, Bathroom, Disinfect, Drain Cleaning, Germ Prevention, Germs, Hygiene Practices, Microbes, Moisture, Sanitary Habits

Bathrooms get a lot of use, which unfortunately means they can get pretty dirty. Since bacteria and germs love moist environments, bathrooms become their favorite hangout spot. That’s why it’s super important to clean and disinfect your bathroom regularly. Today, our friends at Middletown Plumbing & Drain want to help you up your bathroom hygiene game by sharing ten tips that every homeowner should know to keep those pesky bathroom microbes away. Let’s dive in! 

Bathroom Bacteria: 

Bathrooms are home to a whole bunch of bacteria, some more worrisome than others. You’ll find a variety of types lurking in these spaces, including: 

  • E.coli  
  • Staphylococcus  
  • Salmonella  
  • Influenza virus  
  • Norovirus  

Knowing about these different types of bacteria helps you understand how to clean your bathroom effectively and keep it hygienic. 

Bacteria Hotspots: 

To keep those bathroom germs at bay, it’s important to identify the spots where bacteria like to hang out. Here are some germ hotspots to watch out for: 

  • The toilet seat and handle  
  • Sink faucet and handles  
  • Shower curtains and bath mats  
  • Towels and washcloths  
  • Countertops and surfaces, particularly around sinks  

Knowing where germs love to hang out helps you focus your cleaning game, stopping those nasty bacteria from spreading like wildfire! 



Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly! It’s the first line of defense against harmful bacteria and germs. Take at least 20 seconds to scrub your hands with soap and warm water. It may seem small, but it’s a powerful act that can greatly reduce the risk of infections. Regular handwashing is super important in preventing the spread of illnesses, so it’s a habit we all need to have! 


Setting aside a specific day every week to thoroughly clean your bathroom is a smart way to keep it sparkling clean. This routine not only helps you stay organized but also ensures that every nook and cranny gets the attention it deserves. Regular cleaning helps get rid of bacteria, mold, and other potential nasties, creating a clean and healthy space for you and your family. Furthermore, another helpful hack is to keep antibacterial wipes in easily accessible places in your bathrooms. This will make for quick and convenient disinfection sessions which will aid in controlling the spread of germs between regular cleaning sessions. 


Keeping your toothbrush safe from airborne bacteria is super important for good oral hygiene. By using toothbrush covers, you can stop any yucky contaminants from landing on the bristles and protect your dental health. It’s a simple practice that can level up your daily oral care routine and reduce the risk of transferring bacteria. 


Closing the toilet lid before flushing may seem like a small thing, but it actually makes a big difference in minimizing the spread of bacteria. This simple step traps those airborne particles, stopping them from spreading all over the bathroom. It’s an easy habit that really helps keep the environment clean and germ-free. 


Spruce up your bathroom with cool, hands-free fixtures like motion-sensor faucets! They’re a game-changer when it comes to reducing germ spread. No need to touch anything, just wave your hand and voila! Upgrade your bathroom with this modern tech for added convenience and hygiene. 


Toilet brushes can hold onto bacteria, so it’s important to clean them after each use. You can do this by pouring hot water and bleach directly over the bristles of the toilet brush and into the toilet bowl. This helps prevent the spread of germs. To allow the brush to air dry, prop the handle between the toilet bowl and the toilet seat lid, with the brush facing the bowl. Although it may seem like an extra step, it significantly aids in reducing bacteria in your bathroom. If you prefer using disposable brushes with disposable ends, simply change them after every use.  


Shower curtains, if not swapped out regularly, can turn into hotspots for bacteria and mold. Keep your bathing zone healthier by going for washable fabric liners or switching your shower curtain at regular intervals. This simple habit helps maintain a cleaner and safer bathroom space. 


Thinking about upgrading your bathroom? How about adding a bidet for a cleaner alternative to traditional toilet paper? Bidets not only minimize the risk of spreading germs but also provide a more comfortable and effective cleansing experience. Plus, they’re reasonably priced and easy to install. It’s a smart investment in both hygiene and comfort! 


Having proper ventilation is super important in creating an environment that’s not so friendly for bacteria. So, after using the bathroom, make sure you’ve got enough ventilation to keep moisture levels low. This simple step not only keeps the air fresh but also helps keep things clean and hygienic, making it harder for bacteria to stick around. 


Getting your drains professionally cleaned on a regular basis, like every 1-2 years, is a proactive way to prevent bacterial and mold buildup in your plumbing system. By keeping those drains clean, you’re not just helping your bathroom and home stay healthy but also ensuring proper drainage, avoiding foul odors, and promoting a hygienic environment for you and your family. So it’s totally worth it! 

By adding these tips to your routine, you can have a cleaner bathroom with fewer germs. Following these tips and making them a regular part of your routine will greatly lower the risk of bacteria spreading and promote better hygiene in your home. 

Call Middletown Plumbing & Drain today at (937) 298-9979, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here